The SJDA Board is an all-volunteer organization that works year round to ensure a safe and successful season for our divers. Each club also has at least one SJDA Representative that volunteers to ensure each team has a great season.
Executive Board/Representatives & Coach Staff
Executive Members & Chairs
Media & PR Chair:
Scholarship Chair:
Meet Record Chairs:
Division Meet Recorders:
Club Representatives & Coaches:
Divisions – (N)orthern, (C)entral, (S)outhern
* denotes club with 3 meter board
11 Ruth Mancuso Lane, Glassboro
Dive Rep:
1 Aqua Lane, Cherry Hill
Dive Rep:
300 Tavistock Drive, Medford
Dive Rep:
Assistant Coach:
1701 Haddonfield-Berlin Road, Cherry Hill
Dive Rep:
Park Boulevard, Cherry Hill, NJ
Dive Rep:
Assistant Coach:
Assistant Coach:
51 Partridge Lane, Cherry Hill
Dive Rep:
989 Jessup Road, West Deptford
Dive Rep:
Assistant Coach:
1701 Walnut Lane, Haddon Heights
Dive Rep:
Assistant Coaches:
9 Evans Lane, Cherry Hill
Dive Rep:
25 Eric Road, Mullica Hill,
Dive Rep:
799 Devon Rd, Moorestown
Dive Rep:
1400 Warwick Road, Barrington
Dive Rep:
635 Center Street, Haddonfield
Dive Rep:
Assistant Coach:
1 North Stockton Avenue, Wenonah
Diver Rep:
Assistant Coach:
Coach Dive Sheets & Guidelines
FINA Dive Degree of Difficulty Sheet
Please have your diving sheets filled out before you arrive at the meet.
The diving sheets must be done on the proper SJDA sheets regarding age group and ability level (Novice or J.O.) for each diver.
Diver names can be non-gender specific. Please make sure you indicate gender of diver on the dive sheet to make sure the dive sheet is placed in the correct dive order.
Make sure the age group of your diver is indicated for the 14-15 and 16-18 novice meet sheet.
You must have two copies of each diver’s sheet to submit to the scoring table prior to the start of the event.
A suggestion is to make a third copy to give to your diver for them to refer to during the competition. Please have one coach review all of the diving sheets for that event prior to the start of the event.
Collect all of your diver’s sheets at the culmination of the event for your personal record keeping data.
Below are additional resources for filling out Meet Sheets electronically using Microsoft Excel.
Senior Scholarship
South Jersey Diving Association offers our 2025 Senior Year Divers an opportunity to submit an essay for consideration to win one of two $500 SJDA scholarships. The winners will be announced at the 1m Championships.
Essays submission deadline coming soon. Send essay in PDF for via email to: TBD.
Seniors: Do not identify yourself on your submitted essay, but please identify yourself in the email (full name/club) and include a phone number in the email.
Essay Topic:
(1) How has diving helped you prepare for your challenges and life ahead?
(2) What has been most important and special to you about your diving career?
Code of Conduct
For Our Divers:
As representatives of our organization, divers shall conduct themselves with the highest self-control.
While conducting any diving activities our athletes pledge to respect coaches, spectators, and themselves by refusing to participate in bullying, ridiculing, or other abusive behavior.
They will not use profanity, obscene gestures, abuse drugs, alcohol, or medications.
They will not criticize opposing divers, coaches, or officials. Divers are expected to be gracious in victory and accept defeat with dignity. They will support one another in their endeavors, respect each other’s differences, and encourage others to do the same.
For Our Coaches:
The conduct of our coaches it critical to maintaining the image of the South Jersey Diving Association. Coaches are our role models and they must pledge to conduct themselves in the same manner as outlined for our divers.
Coaches are expected to encourage healthy competition as well as develop a positive atmosphere in all diving activities.
They should provide feedback in constructive rather than destructive ways in order to teach divers learn to lead themselves.
For Our Family Members & Spectators:
The conduct of our families and spectators is the ultimate test of the values of our organization.
It is expected that those connected with our coaches and divers will conduct themselves in the same manner as outlined for our divers.
In addition, family members and spectators pledge to reinforce the concept that in competitive situations, giving one’s best effort is more important than winning. Families and spectators will also strive to remember that the sport belongs to the diver and their coaches, and will therefore refrain from coaching their child or any other child.
Violations of this code of conduct will result in the following actions:
Immediate Actions:
Scratch the diver from his/her event.
Sending the diver home immediately.
Asking the staff member, coach, manager or group member to leave the event.
Secondary Actions:
Referring the infraction to the Law and Legislation committee for review with recommendations for appropriate actions, which may include suspension.
SJDA Coaches Code Of Ethics
Coaches are expected live up to the SJDA’s Coaching Code of Ethics by coaching to the following standards:
Treat every diver fairly, justly, impartially, intelligently, and with sensitivity.
Place the emotional and physical well being of the divers ahead of a personal desire to win.
Treat each diver as an individual, remembering the large range of emotional and physical development for the same age group. Profane language, taunting, and intimidating words and/or actions are not acceptable.
Ensure a safe practice and competitive environment for divers.
Organize practices that are fun and challenging for all divers.
Use coaching techniques appropriate for the skills being taught.
Lead by example in demonstrating fair play and sportsmanship to all divers.
Communicate practice schedules, meet schedules, and other important information clearly to parents and guardians.
Respect your team, your club, and your colleagues’ time by making sure you arrive at practices, meetings, and competitions on time and properly prepared.
Never provide or recommend drugs to athletes as a means of improving athletic performance.
Never use alcohol or other recreational drugs in the direct presence of athletes; nor be under the influence of drugs or alcohol when involved with athletic events, parent conferences, or professional meetings.
Refrain from distractions caused by phones or other media devices during practices and competition.
Be knowledgeable in the rules of the South Jersey Diving Association, and teach these rules to your team.
Recognize, accept, and teach the team that their public behavior projects an image of the team they represent. Therefore, behavior should be appropriate at all times.
Keep the child’s best interest as a priority. Don’t exert undo pressure on the diver to promote your own personal goals and desires
Remember that as a youth coach events are designed for the enrichment of youth athletes, and not the benefit of adult spectators.
Always teach and practice good sportsmanship.
Club Membership Information
SJDA Team Membership & Diver Fees
Annual Team Fee: $100
Diver Fee: $15 per diver, applies to any diver that competes in any qualifying meet during the season
Dive Reps are responsible for paying fees to the SJDA Treasurer at 1m Champ meet
Is your club interested in joining our league or learning about competitive dive, please contact the SJDA board.
Diver Information
Diver Policies
Competitive Group:
Diver's competitive group is determined by their age on June 15th.
Age Groupings:
9&U, 10-11, 12-13, 14-15, 16-19
Diving Levels:
Novice- The beginning level for divers with a shorter dive list that includes basic front and back jumps for 13&U divers.
Junior Olympic (JO)- The more advanced level for divers that complete a longer list of dives and do not compete front/back jumps.
1m Championships- Divers require a qualifying score to participate in 1m Champs.
3m Championships- Open competition for any diver coaches deem fit for competition.
Coaches will help determine if a diver is competing as Novice/JO.
Divers may qualify as a Novice and then attempt to qualify for JO at another 1m qualifier.
If a diver qualifies as a JO diver, they must compete JO at 1m Championships, or will face disqualification.